We want you to be satisfied: KRUMBEIN Service
Our team of sales, application engineers, and service guarantees fast and competent help in all customer service issues at any time. We are your partner for all questions and topics concerning your machine, be it in the field of accessories and spare parts or service calls.

Service at KRUMBEIN
Overview of our Service Offerings:
Contact for service questions
Franz-Walter Salomon
We are here for you
Monday-Friday: 06.45 – 17.00 Uhr (CET)
(not on public holidays)
Phone: +49 (0) 36259 58015
Our services go beyond delivering the technology. Our experienced technicians are happy to share their knowledge of various applications with customers. So you are not left alone with the first machine programs either.
Your service request
For a free and non-binding consultation, simply contact us!